toolbar free news,sports,technology,health,economy,politics: Requesting aid on acquiring medicine for Baby Tharindu Bhashana


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Requesting aid on acquiring medicine for Baby Tharindu Bhashana

Requesting aid on acquiring medicine for Baby Tharindu Bhashana                                   

Tng flfrk wdhdpkd;aul  b,a,Suhs'                                  

Dear friend,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

This is a kind request…..                            

I am a teacher working at Galigamuwa Central College. We reside in the school quarters. The      child in this video is our son. Till about two years of age he was active and playful. For a minor        illness he was hospitalized and he was given an injection. But due to a certain germ, nerves in
the brain damaged and critically injured. Thereafter he was admitted to a hospital and 17 days he was in the Incentive Care Unit. We were lucky to escape him, but unfortunately his brain  (cerebrum and cerebellum were damaged) was inactive. So about six months our baby was hospitalized and given treatments in the same hospital continuously. The illness never changed .Then the child was taken home in the same condition. This baby was playful, active, healthy kid. Now he is weak and unable to sit, stand, walk, talk and can’t even turn from one side to the other on his bed .As parents we can’t bear this pathetic situation not only that, now there is no one to take responsibility. Some physician believes that the weakness occurred due to injection caused by a germ,
It is said that “drugs we got from foreign countries as medical assistance during Tsunami were
out dated or expired and out of them syringes were with germs and may have entered the baby’s  body. However, now we are innocent, helpless, economically lapsed. My husband worked in a private firm since our baby became a patient; he left the job and stayed   at home. But we faced the situation with courage and enthusiasm to recover the baby.
We treated him for about six years and now he can make out us, to see or look at something turn  in to one side and other, and sit on a chair with one’s help.  But we continuously looked for treatment. Then we were able to find treatments over internet     in India. Even it is so we were fed up with money. We met some businessmen, philanthropists   asked for money. We sold tickets. We took medicine from India twice.    Doctors say “About one year of the duration, medical treatments should be given In India ,this medical clinic is in a popular and famous area, and everything there was costly,  we faced many difficulties, lack of money. We rented a low cost lodging. It was dirty and no     sufficient facilities and our baby was constantly hospitalized but treatments were failed. We had   no sufficient money, and unexpected problem made us to stop treatment and came back to Sri  Lanka.   But we have to look after our baby. And we trying to find some more amount of money. We   came to know that therein a better way to cure this baby in America. If we take this baby to    America, we believe in this baby will be cured shortly. Unfortunately it is a dream for us due to  lack of money.  It is a difficult thing for us to go to America, therefore please help us or please find us someone   to ask for helping. It is your fortune. And it is our fortune. Even in America such people are  there.   We have no facilities to connect with them. Therefore please help us till we meet a specialist   doctor. We continue treatments, it costs Rs. 30,000/- or 40,000/- per month. It is a difficult thing  for us to spend such amount of money along with one’s salary. For this, we are collecting  money even just now.
Dear friend, please help us to save our baby. Please help us to get more donations ,
And help us To sell our tickets. Please, please help us to get rid of this disaster.   We kindly request you to help my baby to stand up with other babies in this world.                                        
  Our bank account No. 8731395 (Name- W W R P A Alahakoon, Bank of Ceylon, Kegalle).
              Thank you very much

                Tng flfrk wdhdpkd;aul  b,a,Suhs'
^uu  m%:ufhkau  fuys  we;s  ùûfhda  mgh n,k  f,i b;d   lreKslj b,a,ñaa'&
Mka Ma M,a ksYdka;s jk uu lE$.,s.uqj uOH uyd ùoHd,fha fiajfha kshq;= .=rejrshls' wm oekg mosxÉ Ö isgskafkao fuu mdif,au .=reksjdifhauh' uu Öûfhda mgfha isák wmf.a Mlu orejd wjqreoq 02 la jk f;la fl<s fi,a,ñka oqj mek weùosñka b;du kSfrda.Sj ld,h .; l,d' yosisfha we;s jQ iqM wikSm ;;ajhlg frday,a .; l, miq ,ndoqka Mkak;lska ÖI îPhla Yrsr .; ù fud,fha iakdhq ydks ù orejd wdidoH ;;ajhg m;a jqKd';;ajh nrm;, jQ ksid <udfrday,g  ref.k f.dia oeû i;aldr  Mallhg we;=¿ fldg osk 17l ld,hla m%Óldr ,ndoS PSù;h fírd .;a kuq;a ta jk ùg orejdf.a afud,hg iy ;j;a wjhj lSmhlg ydks ù iïmQrakfhkau  wlraukHj" wls%h;ajhg m;ajqKd' miqj Mu frdayf,au yh udihlg wdikak ld,hla wLKaavj  fkajdisl m%;sldr ,ndoqkakd 'Mhska lsisª fjkila isoq jqfka keye' wjidkfha wndê; ;;ajfhka orejd ksjig         f.k  wdjd'                                                                                                                        
           fl,s fi,a,uska  oqjmek wejsosuska  iqr;,a jQ ore megshdg Ma jkÖssg b|.kak" ke.sgskak" wejsoskak" l:dlrkak" lsisjla fkdyels jqKd' yefrkak fmrf,kak mjd fkdyelsj we| u;g muKla iSud jqKd' fuS fLsojdplhg lsisª j.lsh hq;af;la oeka keye' ffjoHjreka ÖYajdi lf,a Mkak;lsk ÖsI îPhla Yrsr .; Ö we;s njhs' iqkdus ld,fha wfma rgg ,enqKq ffjoH wdOdr j, l,aa abl=;a jQ is,skaPr ;snS we;s  nj;a Majd ;=,ska jsI nsP yrsr .; jkakg we;s nj; ajsYajdi lrkjd' flfia kuq;a wo wm wka; wirk ;;ajhlg m;aj isgskjd  MmuK;a fkdj oevs f,i wdraa:ssl m%Yak j,g o uqyqK     fokakgisoq    jqKd                                                                                                    
             uf.a ieñhd fm!oa.,sl wdh;khl fyd| relshdjla l<d' orejd fñ ;;ajhg m;a Öu;a iuÕ u Tyqg relshdj w;yer orejdf.a jev lghq;= i|yd ksjfia k;r Öug isoqjqKd'fuu fíojdplfhka uyd mSvkhg m;a jqK;a wm oevs f,i Yla;su;aj" wd;au jsYajdihshlska yd oev swOsIaGdkhlska hq;=j orejd h:d ;;ajhg  m;alr .ekSug wjYH lghq; l,d" wjqreoq 06 la muK ld,hla l< fjolï j, m%:sm,hla f,i  fï jk Ög orejdg wmj yªkd .kak " hula osydn,kak" yefrkak fmrf<kak iy  flfkl=f.a WoÖ we;sj mqgqjl jdvs Ö isgSug yels ;rfï iqjhla muKla ,nd isgskjd "                      
           fuhska fkdkej;S wm ksrka;r ÖÖO m%:sldr .ek fidhd ne,qjd'MysoS  wka;ra Pd,h u.ska wmg fidhd .kakgyels jqKd fujeks orejka i|yd m%:sldr lrk bxoshdfÖ ffjoH uOHia:dkhla .ek' M;ekg hdu i|yd wmg Ma jk jsg  j;alula ;snqfka keye kuq;a wm wffO¾aHu;a fkdÖ odkm;shka "jHdmdrlhska" fidhd f.dia wOdr b,a,d .;a;d" aàlà m;a wf,Ö l<d' mrsa;Hd.Ys,skaf.a wdOdr ,nd .;a;d ' fï wdldrfhka uqo,a fidhd f.k wm foj;djlau orejd bxoshdjg ref.k .shd'  Tjqka mjikjd  wjqreoaola muK ld,hla  wLKavj m%:sldr ,nd osh hq;= nj' Mu ffjoH uOHia:dkh  ÖYd, Pk.%ykhlsk msrs bxoshdfÖ  fndïndhs k.rfha mej;s ksid;a" Mysa ish,a, ñ,  wOsl ksid;a"ÖÖO m%Yak j,g wmg uqyqK fokakg isoq jqKd'' ñ, uqo,a ksid"  ñ, wvq l=,s ksjdi wm ,nd .;a;;a Majdfha mej;s wmsrsisoqlu yd wvq myiqlñ ksid orejd ks;r ks;r wiksm Ö frdy,a .; lrkakg isoq jqKd'Ma ksidu orejdf.a jHdhdu m%:sldr  ksishdldrfhka  lr .kakg fkdyels jqKd  n,dfmdfrd;a;= fkdjq fuu  Öhoï ksid;a" wm i;=j jeä uqo,a m%udkhla fkd;snqK ksid;" m%:sldr w;ru. kj;d  udi lSmhlska wdmiq Mkak isoq jqKd'kuq;a orejdg ;j oqrg;a m%:sldr  wLKaXj isoql, hq;= fjkjd  Ma i|yd wm fï jk Ög;a    uqo,a fidhñka isgskjd'                                                                                                  
                     wmg oek .kakg ,enqk wdldrhg ñg jXd fyd| m%:sldr l%uhkaa weursldj jeks f,dalfha oshqKq rgj, we;s nj;a" wmg Ma wkqj  orejd weursldjg ref.k  hdug yels kï ñg jXd blaukska orejd iqjm;a lr .; yels nj wmf.a ÖYajdihhsT'  kuq;a ñ, uqo,a ysÕlu ksid Mh wmg isyskhla  muKhs' fï wdldrhg uqo, Ml;= lr weursldj n,d hdu b;du oqIalr l¾hl' b;ska Tng yels kï wmg Ma i|yd WoÖ l< yels mrs;Hd.Ys,s mqoa.,fhl= fidhd fokak' Mh uyd mqkHl¾uhla' weursldfÖau Mfiaa WoÖ lrk wh we;s nj;a oek.kakg ,enqKd'  kuq;a Ma wh iïnkaO lr.ekSug wmg yelshdjlaa key' Mu ksid Tn wmgMa i|yd WoÖ lrkak'Mh wmg uy;a jQ wiajeis,a,ls' kej; orejd m%:sldr i|yd f.k hk f;l"a fï jk Ög;a wm ÖÖO m%;sldr lrf.k hkjd'  Ma i|yd uilg remsh,a 30odyla$ 40 odyla muK wjYH fjkjd' Mla wfhl=f.a jegqfmka Mh lsrsu b;d wmyiqhs  fï jk Ög;a wm wdOdr fidhdhïka MA i|yd uqo,a afidhd .kakjd' ohdnr ñ;=r wfma wysxil orejd fï uyd fÄojdPlfhka fnsrd .ekSug Tng yels wdldrhlska wmg WoÖ lrkak'  odkm;shka  jHdmdrslhka mrs;Hd.YS,Ska awmg iïnkaoSOSlrKh lr fokak'  àlàm;a wf,Ö lr.kakg WoÖ lrkak'fuu wjdikdjka; ;;ajh ksid  wm%udk oqlamS%vdjkag uqyqKmd isgsk wmg Mh uy;a jq iekis,a,l nj b;d ldreKslj isysm;a lrï "   fuu uyd fÄojdplfhka wirK jq wmf.a Mlu oremeàhd h:d;;ajhg m;a lrf.k Tyqg wysus jq <ud f,dalh h,s ,nd fokakg;"a  orejd fï uy fmd,j u; ke.S isgqÖug;a"wm .kakd jq wm%udk W;aidyhg msgqjy,la Ö"w;aje,la Ö" Tn wmg Wmldr     lrkafka kï Mh uyd mqkHl¾uhlafjkjSd   fkdwkqudkhs                                                                                                
                                                                                                          ia;=;shs                                                                                              ñg foudmshka                                                     

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