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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Real Romance for Real Men

Real Romance for Real Men

April 14, 2012 at 12:00 am
By Eric J. Leech

The Man’s Manual to Practical Romance

All the blubbery, romance stuff on film and television is unrealistic and impossible to maintain. If you’d douse your partner in rose petals, champagne, and chocolate for 40 days and 39 nights, on the 40th evening, if you substituted a celery stick for the chocolate, she’d wonder what you were trying to say. The idea of romance and passion is to be able to maintain it over the long haul.

“The best way to keep the romance in a relationship is to make time for one another.” – Psychic Lacy ext. 5494

If you strive to be the ultimate Casanova, and falter along the way, a girl will wonder what your game is. If a woman gave you a back rub every night and suddenly stopped, you’d probably be a little put out. In other words, it is better to be true to yourself, rather than risk putting too many expectations, then what you’re able to maintain.
How Romantic Are You?
Before we get to the tips, I’d like to get a base reading of exactly who we are dealing with. For each of the following ten phrases, rate yourself from 1 to 10, as to how well you fit with it. For example, a score of one means that you would be more likely to barbecue a piece of meat, than execute the action. Ten indicates that you currently own the entire Pride and Prejudice film set, and have a poster of Mr. Darcy hanging on your garage wall. If you don’t know the definition to any one of these romantic words, score yourself with a 0.
1. “I’d rather be loving.”
2. “I’m creative.”
3. “I like to be affectionate.”
4. “I have a tender heart.”
5. “I’m usually very understanding.”
6. “I’m sometimes vulnerable.”
7. “Amorous is my middle name.”
8. “I’m apathetic to other’s feelings.”
9. “I’m compassionate to my partner’s feelings.”
10. “Passion is like the meat to my potatoes.”
Add up your score, and divide the total by 10. This is the romantic value you offer to women, according to Hollywood and Oprah. If you scored anything below a seven, please continue below to our quick tutorial session on practical romance.
You don’t have to buy her an evening in Paris to give your relationship a goose. Predictability is romance’s greatest foe. One of the most effective uses of surprise, that can be done with no prior preparation, is to grab your girl in the middle of a mundane moment, and plant a kiss on her.
The Spontaneous Note/Voice Mail
Romance works best when it is allowed to linger. One way to maintain yourself within your partner’s mind is to plant little reminders, so that she senses your thoughtfulness even when you’re away.
Don’t Fear Failure, As All Good Deeds Eventually Get Rewarded
Every good deed gets noticed by women, and this includes all chores. You don’t have to tell her why you’re being helpful, as it is better to leave your intentions unsaid. It will mean more that way. Studies show that your ideas don’t have to turn out perfect, either, to be deserving of bonus points. In fact, having a plan go awry, while having good intentions, makes you human, and therefore, more adorable.
An Ounce of Preparedness Could Get You Out of the Doghouse One Day
Keep a collection of thoughtful cards and small gifts. Whenever she feels down (or you let her down), have one waiting for her as a token of your empathy and understanding.
You Hate Date Night, Right?
Date night has been created to force men into following through with the ritual of taking a woman out every once in a while. You can bypass this mandatory sentence, by taking it upon yourself to treat your woman to some time and attention. This can be as simple as sitting down and saying, “What’s new with you,” or as extravagant as planning a romantic weekend.

“Romance can be music, a lovely dinner, or walking along the beach. Find out what your romantic desire is and make it happen.” – Psychic TeriLynn ext. 9625

Women Don’t Want Mr. Mom. They Want An A**hole With a Heart.
Every romance novel begins with a pompous jerk who is adventurous, daring, confident, and sometimes cruel. From her influence, he learns to love. He then maintains his basic bad behavior, which is mostly overlooked, because he has proven himself via the above romantic gestures.
This is no Cinderella story, or ploy to contribute to a woman’s illusions of grandeur. These are real romance ideas for real men. Give one a try, and see where it takes you.
Are you clueless in the romance department? Talk to a psychic and find out what it takes to be romantic with your mate. Call 1.800.573.4830 or choose your psychic now.

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